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Fetal Heartbeat

I'm a full-time student studying to be a health care policy analyst or lobbyist. I love to read and I really love to world-build. I'm currently reading a lot of contemporary fiction and math and science non-fiction.

Currently reading

Righting Feminism: Conservative Women and American Politics
Ronnee Schreiber
Progress: 11/140 pages
Richard Siken
Franny Billingsley
Ten White Geese
Gerbrand Bakker
Hannah Harrington
Contagious: Why Things Catch On
Shine -  Lauren Myracle 4.5/5Will definitely re-read, this time paying more attention so I can write the review Shine deserves. Do I think it's necessarily for everyone? No, but I think that regardless of enjoyment, this is a book that people should read.Though... Cover Impressions: gorgeous cover and it's really lovely how the cover is incorporated into the chapter pages and the dividers between days.